Worst things you could do in an Interview

Worst things you could do in an Interview

What are the worst things you could do in an interview? As recruiters we often preach about the things you should do to secure your next role, but what about the pitfalls of the interview process? Here we tell you some of the recruiter’s pet peeves to help YOU avoid them.


  1. Being Early – You may worry about being late for interviews, but how early is too early for a job interview? There is a fine line as you want to demonstrate that you are punctual, but aim not to be more than 10-15 minutes too early (unless they have asked you to be!). If you arrive an hour early, go to a nearby café to read through your notes and compose yourself before the interview.


  1. Not dressing the Part – It is always better to be overdressed than underdressed, but remember where you are interviewing for. Do a bit of research and try and get an idea of what the work environment is and what people wear on a day-to-day basis. You want to look smart but at the same time show how well you would fit in with the company.


  1. Not speaking up – It can be difficult to speak up when a recruiter is reeling off tons of information but you need to make sure you stand out. It is so simple but by sitting up straight, maintaining eye contact and concentration you will come across a lot more confident to the interviewer before you even open your mouth! And when you do, make sure you speak clearly and enthusiastically – it will help them warm towards you and believe you know what you’re talking about.


  1. Don’t ask about money (too much) – If you are at the interview stage you should have an idea of the salary banding or general commission structure. Placing too much emphasis on money in an interview can be off-putting so try not to mention it more than once at this stage. Most recruiters will bring the topic up for you so be patient and wait for the right time to discuss.


  1. Don’t come empty handed – Even if all you do is print out your CV and some information you collected about the company it is great to have some visual aids or prepared notes to take into an interview. If you have a relevant portfolio of work, bring it along! It’s a fantastic way to show the recruiter how you have put your skills to use in the past!


  1. Don’t be too nervous – A little adrenaline can be helpful in an interview but you don’t want to come across as completely terrified! If you don’t believe in yourself as a candidate neither will they so fake it if you don’t feel overly confident!


Sophie Heaton (Digital Campaign Manager)

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