Using Social Media as a Key Recruitment Tool

Social Networking as a Recruitment Tool

Social media isn’t just for fun anymore. Today, using social media as a recruiting tool is well worth the time, effort and energy invested in it. Understanding all of the intricacies and associated features of social media will help ease hiring functions into this invaluable tool – even if you have not considered it worthwhile previously.

What type of applicants will my company find on social media sites like LinkedIn?

A whole new generation of applicants are waiting for you online today. By using social media as a key recruitment tool you are effectively taking advantage of those who know how utilise up to date methods for job searching and those who know how to manage their online social profiles. It is a truly great resource of our time. Tapping into social media will bring you not just the tech savvy go-getters but the very core of what employer’s are looking for today as well.

What should my company use social media and recruit online anyway?

The only real drawback of using social media is it can take time to get to learn the vital features available. So a much smaller company would need to make sure that someone is exclusively in charge of online recruiting if you decide to invest more in this new channel. Such an individual should also be trained in online privacy laws since there is always a risk these days with so much information available online, that you can fall foul of local laws and inadvertently break them. If companies learn things about an applicant that isn’t explicitly on their resume they could get in serious legal trouble.

What should my company change about its recruiting process to use social media more?

Companies might think what they are doing now is working, whether this be collecting resumes through the mail or email or other online job boards. The fact is the process can always be better. You don’t need to abandon all of the current or old practices, but new recruitment tools and using the features of social media will certainly mean learning new skills to attract a new generation of job applicants.

Online recruiting through social media is here to stay and it is only going to grow in important. Online recruiting is definitely something that your company should already be doing, and if not, you should be starting top get into. Although there are some risks and drawbacks, having an online recruiting presence will strengthen your power of attraction and ultimately the size of your potential candidates and job pool.

Learn More About Social Media Recruitment – Read > The Pros and Cons of Social Media Recruitment

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