Upcoming Innovations For Technology Students

2014-15 is expected to see some new and exciting booms in the technology sector. We are expecting to see changes in the following sectors of technology: smart-home technology, privacy backlash, advertisements, changes for the cloud, ultra hi-def TV resolutions, drones and advancements in nanotechnology. Let’s take a look at these innovations for technology students: –

– With a boom in technology, one of the most exciting things that are expected in 2015 is smart-home technology. To simplify the everyday things we do at home is something that everyone wants.

– With all the articles published recently on companies losing and spying on customers, we expect to see people rebel against these companies and possibly stop buying their products.

– Ads, are everywhere, or so we think. It is expected that ads will be put on even more things.

– With more and more companies entering the cloud storage business, we expect to see huge competition between these companies.

It has already started with Google Drive dropping their prices to complete with DropBox.

– 1080p is a thing of the past, with 4k moving in, we expect to see technology geared toward these huge resolutions.

– With companies like Amazon entering the drone market, we can expect to see a huge number of drones in the skies doing things that we wouldn’t expect them to be doing.

– Lastly, with nanotechnology, we see a new and exciting time for medicine and nano-sized electronics.

2014-15 is an exciting time for technology students with all of these sectors booming at the same time. How will you take advantage of these emerging opportunities?

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