Suffering from post graduate stress?



After graduation the road ahead  can sometimes be stressful and fraught with difficulties.

In this modern world things are beginning to change drastically. Students twenty years ago who graduated from college went on to find decent jobs. Now there are more graduates and more unemployment. The graduates of today often end up moving back in with their parents and to many this a backwards step after the free lifestyle they have enjoyed whilst at University. The choices college graduates have today are greater than the options of the past but today there is much more competition for the better jobs.

Another issue young people graduating from college face today is leaving their peers behind as their maturity replaces the fun filled frivolous ways of the past. When young people are used to partying and enjoying life, in between studying their books, things can drastically change. Responsibility can cause stress. There are too many high expectations thrust on young graduates today. These graduates are expected to find a well paying job and move up in life. This is not always possible. Along with the stress and high expectations on young adults there is often loneliness. School friends move and these young people struggling to cope may feel very helpless, alone, and get depressed.

One working  solution for post graduates of today is for colleges to have more work counselors as well as more mental health counsellors. These measures are helping to alleviate some of the issues but more still needs to be done. Depression and anxiety rank number one for student mental health problems in campuses all over the world.  There must be more peer support for the modern generation of today.


If you think that you are suffering the Post Graduate Blues get help from your College, Friends and Family etc and don’t forget that Social Media is a good conduit for advice,

Quent Bendele

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