Is your CV trending in 2014?

Let’s face it, the way we search for jobs in 2014 has changed significantly from the way you would have searched for a job in 2000. Are you keeping up with the times with your CV or job resume? If you are actively seeking employment it’s time to start searching for jobs using all available current trends.

Are you using social media to your advantage?

Most job employers are using the social network to find out information about potential employees. Are you using this to your advantage? Take some time and use the resources that your potential employers are already using. If you are not already connected to social networking think about signing up for Facebook and use the timeline resume, create an account for LinkedIn or use Wordle. Make sure you include the URL site for your Facebook Resume and LinkedIn in your paper resume.

How do I stand out from all the other CVs and resumes?

In today’s job search you have to take a proactive approach to job hunting. Make sure your resume is creative and unique. To do this maybe include a video resume to show potential employers what you have to offer or include graphs and charts to capture their attention.

So how do you get down to business on your resume?

Make sure you cut through all the wordiness of your resume and only include things that are going to increase your chances of getting the job. Try to make yourself look unique and trendy. Use the job summary section of your resume to really stand out by giving it depth and using it to make an impact.

So, there you have it the current trending ideas for job resumes in 2014. It’s time to get plugged in and give your current resume a trendy makeover.

View full article: Top 10 Resume Trends For 2014

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