Benefits Of Securing A New Role Before Christmas




The lead up to Christmas is an exciting time, both personally and professionally. From family events to your work’s Christmas party, your social schedule is filled with festive activities by mid November. In amongst the excitement, it’s easy to want to postpone your job search or start date until the New Year, however there are many benefits to securing and potentially starting a new role before Christmas.

Decisions Are Made Quicker

Due to fewer candidates looking for roles in December, companies are often forced to make decisions based on fewer candidates. If you’re looking to start a new career quickly, this can be a huge advantage and will ensure that you get a January pay check. It also has the added benefit of naturally being able to stand out from the crowd. In a smaller candidate you can appear to be a big fish in a small pond and if you’re lacking some of the ‘nice to have’ skills, these may be looked over with businesses wanting to sign off the role as soon as possible.

January Rush

January is a manic time of year for any business. New budgets are signed off and all staff are expected to hit the ground running after the Christmas break. This can be an incredibly intimidating time of year to join a new business. Not only this, New Year’s resolutions encourage people to reconsider their current job situation and leads to an influx in applications. Avoid being one of many and get your application in before Christmas!

Social Benefits

Christmas is a very social time in any industry and therefore a great opportunity to get to know your colleagues on a personal as well as professional level. It’s a great time to cement relationships with clients too as you can arrange meetings in a more relaxed setting. If you can work in a sales based role, making those dreaded business development calls can become easier as people are more relaxed and willing to give you the time of day.

Bedding In Time

The lead up to the Christmas break can often be a wind down period so a perfect time for you to complete all of your training. This will give you the perfect opportunity to hit the ground running in January and avoid wasting valuable time in the New Year. You are also more likely to get time to spend with your line manager as the pressure is taken off their role too. This will give you the perfect opportunity to ask lots of questions and get the much needed support at the start of your new career.

If you’d love to find out about our current job roles, check out our job boards at –


Hannah Ryle – Employer Brand Consultant


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