Glitch AI
Glitch is the world’s first AI clothing brand founded by computer scientists turned fashion designers Pinar Yanardag and Emily Salvador at MIT. Pinar gained a PhD in Computer Science and did her post-doc at MIT Media Lab where she specialises in AI x creativity. Emily got her bachelor’s degree and completed her master’s degree at MIT Media Lab. Her work focuses on theme parks, storytelling and AI. Together, they focus on the intersection of artificial intelligence and fashion, and love creating engaging tools to encourage human-AI collaboration!
Glitch cleverly arguments human capabilities, pushing the creativity through AI that may not have existed otherwise. But how far will we go to create things by just using software? Pinar and Emily are also aiming to increase representation and participation of women in computer science by supporting #WomeninSTEM by even featuring some of the amazing women in STEM wearing GLITCH.
Glitch cleverly finds common interests in dresses which are being selected, whether it be a one shoulder dress or a purple t-shirt. AI could create a one shoulder purple dress to fit the most popular choices. In particular they created a ‘little black dress’ which has been a statement number since designer Coco Chanel brought into fashion it in the 1920’s.
AI machinery
AI machinery designed an asymmetric dress with a normal sleeve accompanied by a bell sleeve, a shiny sequin dress accompanied by hot pink feathers, a black & white minimalist dress. Owners Emily and Pinar said although this dress may look nice on the surface but underneath is this powerful statement about your affinity for tech, or your interest in AI and computation.
Right now, a few designs are available for purchase on their site, with 50 percent of Glitch’s sales of their take on the ‘little black dress’ being donated to, an organiser that supports STEM.
Glitch and the use of AI can hopefully be used as a projector to inspire women to enter the artificial intelligence field, and are wanting to create easy-to-use AI tools to generate further interest in the field. You can generate you own outfit here.