You’ve had a great few exciting months in your new recruitment role. You’ve placed several candidates into leading industry roles and have hit your initial personal target, congratulations! But as the new month sets in, you realise that your credible list of sources is dwindling, fast!
You use the excuse that there’s a lack of talent in the pool, but have you considered how it may be partly down to you? Successful recruiters understand that looking internally, improving their own personal characteristics and utilising the latest strategies is vital, and will help to reduce the likelihood of experiencing a significant drop.
One of the favoured trends adopted when concerning personal development is candidate relationship management…..Are you sat there thinking how you’ve never heard of it and may have missed the boat? Well do not worry as here’s a breakdown of why it is important and how you can boost your talent pool by implementing it.
What is CRM?
Candidate Relationship Management is a model used by recruiters to support the attraction, communication and management of potential future hires. Building relationships is a necessity to maintaining any form of service, just like a generic B2C offering. Spending the time building a professional relationship may be time consuming, but it has many long-term benefits, including retention, efficiency and widespread positive exposure.
Benefits of boosting your relationship management with candidates
1. Recommendations
Spending hours searching for something is long gone. We now live in a recommendations world where we heavily rely on, value and trust our networks opinions. Building and maintaining strong relationships with your current source list has the potential to develop many future leads. A happily placed candidate will shout their experience from the rooftops and share it with other jobseekers. Likewise, negative experiences will also make their way out to be heard!
By getting to know your candidate, their needs, their potential and ultimately creating a positive and supportive process, your incoming calls could be non-stop!
2. Increases efficiency
Gone are the days where you spend most of your time searching for candidates and their supporting information. Integrating CRM tools into your recruitment strategy can provide you with all the details you need, to be ready to support and move your candidate’s application forward.
Not only will this benefit your applicant, it will also provide you with a competitive advantage as you have a database of highly talented sources, right at your fingertips.
3. Enhances candidate experience
Job seeking can be extremely stressful for candidates, so here’s your opportunity to excel and boost their overall experience. The old-school industry of recruitment has a strong stigma attached to it, but the rise of a personalised service has transformed the nations perception for the better.
From personal experience, having a recruiter who is invested in your career progression and securing the most ideal opportunity for you long-term is much more valuable than working with someone who speeds up the process for their own benefit.
4. Boost your employer brand
By implementing the above, not only will this improve your applicant’s progression, you will also strengthen your employer brand. Increasing your level of positive exposure will get your name out there as a recruiter and will potentially grow your pipeline while working with loyal, returning candidates.
Although a lot of this information is common sense, the positive effects that implementing CRM strategies can have on your conversion rate is phenomenal. Not only will it support you, it will also be highly beneficial and make the process more enjoyable and realistic for applicants. If you are struggling in recruitment, I’d highly recommend investing some time to understand this ever-growing trend.
If you’re a candidate having a good read about the type of agency to collaborate with for your next career search, there are some major stand out points in here to support your selection. You can normally tell the type of service and their mindset towards relationship building from the first point of contact, so make sure to spend some time comparing your options.
If you are on the job hunt, and are seeking a positive, fully supportive experience, feel free to contact Searchability on , and one of our geo-specific recruiters will be more than happy to help ease the process for you.