7 Ways to nail your phone interview

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Securing a new job role is a lengthy process, so when faced with the initial phone interview nobody wants to fall at the first hurdle. You’ve been selected from masses of CV’s so the recruiter / hiring manager has obviously seen that you have experience suitable for the job. Here we give you 7 Ways to nail your phone interview and start the process to secure the job you want!


Once you have the details of the phone interview you need to research the company and the job role as much as possible so that you are prepared for any questions. Having knowledge on the company / commercial awareness will go a long way to impress your interviewer! If they ask a question you don’t have the answer to it’s best not to directly lie, try and steer the direction into an area you can discuss further or ask them an open question to find out more about the subject.

Charge Up

Pretty obvious one but it needs pointing out (especially to people like me whose battery dies 3 times a day)! Make sure you have as much battery, and phone signal as possible. You don’t want to miss out on a second interview because you drained your battery looking at Facebook beforehand!


If the interviewer is only asking specific questions about a select skillset / experience then don’t be afraid to expand with your answer to incorporate other areas of expertise! For example if all they ask is how you have used Photoshop and WordPress don’t be afraid to discuss you leadership and management skills – just make sure the conversation is linked and you don’t go off on too much of a tangent.

Speak Clearly

It’s easy to get tongue tied and ramble on when you have a phone interview. If you feel this happening take a deep breath and try and speak clearly and concisely. You can’t get your personality across with body language as you would in a face-to-face so try and be upbeat in your tone of voice to keep the interviewer engaged!

Smile and Stand Up

Smiling down the phone may seem a bit unusual but it will help to keep your tone of voice upbeat. Standing up and walking around the room can help you avoid stiffening up on the phone and keep you relaxed so give this a go too!

Make it Quiet Place

You don’t want to be walking through Oxford Circus trying to sell yourself to the interviewer! Make sure you are in a quiet room with no distractions. Have the job description, your CV and any useful research notes visible in case you need to refer to them during the conversation.

Make Notes

Remember the phone interview isn’t just for them to grill you! It’s an opportunity to learn more about the company and the role as well as ask any questions you have. Make notes throughout as you will need these if you clinch that second interview!

Sophie Heaton (Digital Campaign Manager)



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